A poem which I've written as tribute to an old fisherman's war story.
A solitary figure on the beach
Lost in memories I cannot reach
Performance of an act from long ago
Behind you I feel emptiness in tow
Seagulls swoop to claim their prize
Their hunger brings your eyes alive
“Take this in memory of you”
Why does your voice ring out so true?
Just 21 when your ship went down
In the lifeboat many comrades drowned
Only two left, young souls had passed on
Silence is the somber narration, the quiet song
Close to death you heard the sound
Of Angel wings on high
You lifted up your failing arms
To pull the Angel from the sky
You used the flesh to nourish
A seagull saved your life
It lifted you on wings of hope
Far from fear and strife
Passing years have not dimmed your view
When so much was sacrificed by so few
This honour of giving the birds their due
Is your simple way of saying “Thank you”